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A Garden of Marvels Page 32

  pollen/pollinators and, 273, 274, 280, 281, 307, 310

  pH meters, 343

  phloem, 67, 92, 101, 198, 289

  phlogiston principle, 181, 182, 187, 188. See also oxygen

  phosphate, 124, 137

  phosphorous, 116, 123, 125, 129, 130, 132


  animals and, 198–202

  C3, 236–37, 341

  C4, 236–37, 341

  complexity of, 344

  Cooksonia and, 212

  and evolution of earth, 204, 209, 212, 213, 215, 222

  and fruit cocktail tree, 337

  grass and, 236–37

  humans and, 200–202

  leaves and, 189, 190–92, 201, 213

  liverworts and, 117

  miscanthus and, 233

  mixotrophs and, 23n

  mutations and, 213

  nutrients essential for, 125

  petunias and, 278

  Saussure’s experiments with, 190–91

  and Senebier’s experiments, 189

  slugs and, 193, 195–200, 202

  trees and, 201–2

  wheatgrass and, 137

  phototropism, 330–34

  phytohormones, 334–35, 340

  phytoremediation, 121–32

  Pierce, Sidney, 193–96, 199, 200, 201

  pigweed, 237

  pine trees, 287

  Pinkham, Buzz, 156–58, 159

  Pinkham’s Plantation, 156–57

  pinnules (little leaflets), 213–14

  pistils: plant sex and, 249, 250, 254, 258, 344

  plant-animals, 18, 19–32


  anatomy/physiology of, 60, 64–71, 75–81, 82–88, 89–103

  animals as analogous to, 28–29, 60, 71, 92, 95, 97, 98

  circulation in, 90–103, 106

  composition of, 170

  definition of, 20–21

  differentiation between animals and, 20–22, 70

  growth of, 28–29, 68, 70–71

  humans as analogous to, 90–91

  imaginary stomach in, 90

  importance of oxygen to, 215

  and male role in reproduction, 258–70

  purpose of, 28

  sea slugs as aquatic chimeras between animals and, 200

  size of, 86–87

  understanding the “how” of, 70–71

  weight of, 191

  See also specific person, topic, or type of plant

  Plato, 32

  “pleaching,” 17

  Pliny the Elder, 29–31

  Pliny the Younger, 30


  in Amborella trichopoda, 285

  of angiosperms, 288

  of conifers, 285

  Darwin’s views about, 270, 299–300

  as excrement, 249

  fragrance and, 295, 303, 307

  Gärtner’s study of, 268

  of gymnosperms, 288

  hermaphrodic flowers and, 295–96

  homospecificity of, 274

  hybridization studies and, 267–68

  Mendel’s comments about, 270

  microscopic studies of, 268–69

  occurence of, 295

  orchid, 300, 301, 302–4

  petunias and, 273, 274, 280, 281, 307, 310

  pistils and, 344

  plant sex and, 86, 247, 249, 250, 251, 257, 258, 295–96, 344

  pumpkin, 86

  Schleiden’s study of, 269

  self-fertilization and, 295n

  Spallanzani’s study of, 266

  Sprengel’s studies about, 295–97

  sunflower, 145

  as waste of life, 261

  and wind-pollinated plants, 277, 288

  Wydler’s views about, 269

  See also pollinators


  bees as, 273, 296, 302–4

  fragrance and, 307

  gnats and flies as, 295

  insects as, 288, 289, 294–95, 298, 299–300, 301, 302

  moths as, 300, 301

  and purpose of flowering plants, 277

  and tongue length, 300

  pollution, 127, 129, 137

  polyploids, 286

  Pope, Alexander, 96–97

  Portulaca flowers: Amici’s study of, 268–69

  potato plants, 108, 328

  Potrykus, Igor, 339–40

  potting soil, 113, 114, 118, 343

  Priestley, Joseph

  air experiments of, 177–81, 186, 187, 188

  Calvinism and, 171–72, 173

  chemistry experiments of, 176–81

  at Daventry Academy, 173–74

  death of, 192

  early professional career of, 174–77

  early scientific work of, 175, 176–78

  elected to Royal Society, 177

  electrical experiments of, 186

  Ingen-Housz visit with, 186

  and Lavoisier’s work, 189

  marriage and family of, 176, 179

  mint plant experiment of, 180–81

  as Nonconformist, 172–73, 176

  personal background of, 171–72

  reproduction of experiments of, 188

  as teacher, 175–77

  at Warrington Academy, 175–77, 179

  writings of, 177, 181, 182

  Pringle, John, 181, 184, 185

  prokaryotes (bacteria), 204, 206, 342

  protein, 307, 339, 344

  Proven Winners, 314

  Prussia: truffles in, 115–16

  pteridophytes, 224. See also ferns; horsetails; moss


  and Damariscotta (Maine) celebration, 149–59

  giant-sized, 82–88, 154, 158, 159

  Spallanzani’s study of, 266

  Pyramid Farms (Leamington, Ontario), 227–35, 237–38

  rapeseed, 141, 198

  Ray, John, 46, 249

  Redi, Francesco, 262

  Reinvent the Wheel (Kassinger), 167

  Ren, Jianping, 272–73, 275–78, 280–81, 284

  Renaissance, 32n, 90. See also specific person


  of cyanobacteria, 205

  of eukaryotes, 206–7

  and how conception occurs, 257–70

  male role in, 258–70

  parthenogenetical, 261, 266

  of tracheophytes, 210

  as vegetal chemistry, 268

  See also breeding; meiosis; mitosis; sex

  respiration, 191, 344

  revolving door problems, 129–30, 132

  rhizoids/rhizosphere, 114, 117, 137, 233, 235, 237

  rice: genetically modified, 340–41

  rock garden, Good’s, 319–20

  root hairs, 106–7, 108, 110, 114, 116, 118


  aerial, 31, 77–78

  air and, 187–88

  Air-Pots and, 342–43

  and evolution of earth, 216

  evolution of, 117

  in forests, 109

  functions of, 89, 125

  fungi and, 115, 117–18

  grazing for, 109

  hyperaccumulators and, 125

  importance of caring for, 87

  inerals for, 110

  Ingen-Housz’s experiments and, 187–88

  lateral, 80, 88, 110, 342–43

  as major cause of plant problems, 81

  mystery about, 89–98

  nickel and, 131–32

  nitrogen in, 108

  nutrients for, 109, 110, 111, 125, 126–27, 343

  oxygen and, 110

  and perennial versus annual crops, 137, 140, 148

  phytohormones and, 334

  RuBisCO gene and, 236

  Saussure’s experiments and, 191

  in sewer lines, 79–80

  shallow, 79

  “sinker,” 80

  soil and, 87, 88, 89–98, 106–7, 114, 191

  spread of, 108–9

  starving of, 105

  storms and, 75–77

tap, 80, 88

  Theophrastus’s views about, 25, 28

  tree wells and, 104–5, 111n

  water for, 88, 100, 106–7, 109, 110, 111n, 191, 336, 343

  See also specific plant or tree

  rose oil, 307, 308

  roses, 307

  Royal Society

  and circulation in plant studies, 97

  coat of arms for, 44

  Copley Medal of, 181

  early years of, 45–46

  and experiments in eighteenth century England, 93

  founding of, 44–45

  Grew’s plant anatomy studies and, 64–65

  Hooke and, 45, 46, 47–49, 50, 59

  Ingen-Housz report to, 186

  Leeuwenhoek’s paranoia about, 260

  and Malpighi’s anatomy studies, 58–59, 60, 61, 65

  Priestley’s presentations to, 181

  RuBisCO gene, 198, 236–37

  Sampson, Henry, 62, 63, 64

  sand, 109

  sap, 15, 25, 91–103, 289

  Saussure, Horace-Benedict de, 190

  Saussure, Nicolas-Théodore de, 189–92

  Sbaraglia, Giovanni, 54, 57, 58

  “scaffold” limbs, 11

  scent. See fragrance

  Schleiden, Matthias, 269

  Schweppe, Jacob, 179

  scientist: coining of term, 46n

  sclerenchyma fibers, 66

  scotoscope, Hooke’s, 47

  sea creatures, 20, 21

  sea slugs, 193–200, 202, 203


  Amici’s study of, 269

  of angiosperms, 282, 287, 288

  carbohydrates in, 141

  Darwin’s studies and, 293

  fragrance and, 307

  nectar and, 296

  and perennial versus annual crops, 138–40, 147–48

  plant sex and, 249, 251

  pollination and, 295

  Saussure’s experiments and, 191

  Spallanzani’s study of, 266

  Theophrastus’s views about, 27

  See also specific plant

  “selfing,” 86

  semen, 257–58, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266

  Senebier, Jean, 188, 189


  phytohormones and, 334

  of plants, 21

  See also specific sense

  serpentine barrens: Alyssum bertolonii in, 123–25, 128, 129–30, 131

  sewage: heavy metals in, 123

  sewer lines: roots in, 79–80


  among amphibians, 264–65

  among animals, 257–66, 270

  among flowers, 247–56, 257, 266–70, 271–81, 293–97, 305–14

  fragrance and, 305–14

  and male role in reproduction, 258–70

  See also type of plant

  Shadwell, Thomas, 49n

  shattering, 140, 146

  Sherard, William, 255–56

  silkworm: Malpighi’s studies of, 58–60

  silt, 109

  silver maple saplings, 78–80

  “sinker” roots, 80

  size: of plants, 86–87

  Sloan, Phillip, 39, 40

  Sloane, Hans, 23, 24

  sludge, 123


  longevity of, 199

  photosynthesis and, 193, 195–200, 202

  See also brown slugs; sea slugs

  smallpox: inoculations for, 184–86

  soda water, 179


  acidic, 127

  alkaline limestone, 115

  for Buddha’s Hand tree, 113

  clay in, 109–10

  creation of, 134

  decontamination of, 121–32

  disturbances to, 133–34

  evolution of earth and, 216

  fungi in, 114–18

  and hickory trees, 104–5, 111

  inorganic components of, 109–10

  for Kassinger’s conservatory, 246

  leaves and, 238

  minerals in, 87, 191, 343

  nickel farming and, 128–32

  nitrogen in, 108

  nutrients in, 114, 125–27

  and perennial versus annual wheat crops, 137

  preparation of, 87

  and roots, 88, 89–98, 106–7

  roots and, 87, 88, 89–98, 106–7, 114, 191

  Saussure’s experiments and, 191

  in serpentine barrens, 124

  sub, 110, 130

  tomatoes and, 228

  water and, 110, 113

  See also potting soil; topsoil

  solar energy, 201, 212, 213, 214, 217

  Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 261–62, 263–66

  Spann, Timothy, 336–37, 338


  and Amici’s studies, 269

  and Leeuwenhoek’s study of microorganisms, 260

  as parasites, 261

  Spallanzani’s study of, 264, 265

  and spermist theory of reproduction, 260–61, 269–70

  spider mites, 325–26, 343

  spiders, 211

  spinach, 266, 317n

  spontaneous generation, 262–63, 263n, 265

  spores, 210, 213, 221

  sporophytes, 209, 252

  Sprengel, Christian Konrad, 294–97

  Spring Valley neighborhood (Washington, D.C.), 119–21, 132


  in Amborella trichopoda, 285, 288

  of angiosperms, 285, 288

  Darwin’s studies and, 293, 297

  plant sex and, 248–49, 250, 254, 256

  Stellpflug, Len, 87


  apical dominance and, 335

  nutrients for, 125

  Theophrastus’s views about, 25

  See also phototropism; specific plant


  of Amborella trichopoda, 288

  Amici’s study of, 269

  Gärtner’s study of, 268

  of petunias, 273, 280, 310

  plant sex and, 249, 250, 251, 258, 296, 299–300

  stomata, 66, 107, 171, 187, 210–11, 212, 223, 236, 334, 340

  storms: roots and, 75–77

  strawberries, 286, 335

  stroma/stromatolites, 196, 198, 205

  suberin, 126

  sucrose, 198, 325, 336

  sugar maples, 336

  sugarcane, 236, 341


  cyanobacteria and, 204–5

  deciduous trees and, 336

  eukaryotes and, 207

  evolution of earth and, 217

  flowering plants and, 224

  fragrance and, 307

  in nectar, 289

  photosynthesis and, 341

  RuBisCO and, 236, 237

  Saussure’s experiments and, 191

  and symbiosis of eukaryotes and cyanobacteria, 207

  sulfur, 125, 204, 206, 223, 231, 344


  effects on plants of, 93, 98, 100

  and evolution of wild grasses, 148

  phototropism and, 330–34

  See also light; solar energy

  sundew plants, 327–28, 329, 330

  sunflowers, 100, 141–47, 198, 341

  Swingle, 11

  switchgrass, 232, 237

  symbiosis, 117, 207–8, 209

  Syngenta, 314

  taproots, 80, 88

  taste, 307–8

  taxonomy, 24, 32n

  telescopes, 40–41

  temperature: Theophrastus’s views about, 25

  Thales of Miletus, 21

  Theophrastus, 24–29, 90, 248

  thylakoids, 196–97, 198, 199–200

  Tiesman, Dean, 227–35, 237–38, 239

  tobacco plants: hybridization studies of, 267–68

  tomatoes, 227, 228–29, 307, 308, 309, 311

  topsoil, 109, 110, 111n, 113, 130, 133–34, 135

  “topwork,” 7–8

  Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256

  toxins: in Spring Valle
y neighborhood, 119–21

  tracheophytes, 209–10. See also Cooksonia

  transgenics. See genetic engineering

  transpiration, 100–101, 103, 106, 336, 337

  transporters, membrane, 126, 129–30, 132, 343

  tree fern, 23–24, 215

  “tree wells,” 104–5, 111n


  anatomy of, 66

  apical dominance and, 335

  and boundary between bark and wood, 67

  circulation in, 91–92

  “drip line” of, 109

  “dusting” of, 25–26

  evolution of, 215

  fire and, 235

  Malpighi’s experiments with, 91–92

  photosynthesis and, 201–2

  Pliny the Elder’s views about, 30–31

  pollination of, 277

  roots of, 75–80, 100, 105–11, 115

  tenacity of, 218–26

  Theophrastus’s views about, 25

  turfgrass around, 109

  See also type of tree

  Trinity College: and experiments in eighteenth century, 93–94

  truffles, 115–16

  turfgrass, 109

  Twining, Thomas, 96

  universal forms, 32

  University of Bologna: anatomy/dissection at, 51–60

  University of California: topsoil study at, 134

  University of Colorado: plant-root studies at, 81

  University of Florida

  Citrus Research and Education Center at, 5

  Plant Innovation Program at, 310–11

  See also Clark, David

  University of Illinois

  Long as professor at, 233

  miscanthus research funding for, 239

  University of Leiden: Grew at, 63, 64–65

  University of Maryland: nickel farming and, 128

  University of Notre Dame: microscope collection at, 39–40

  Vaillant, Sébastien, 252–56

  Vale, 129

  Van Helmont, Jan, 170, 191

  van Niel, C. B., 192

  Van Tassel, David, 135–37, 138–39, 141, 146–47, 148

  vegetable-lamb plants. See borametz

  Venus flytrap, 329–30

  Vesalius, 55, 55n

  vines, 85–86, 88, 228–35

  Viridian Resources LLC, 129–32

  virions, 23n

  vitamin A, 340–41

  Voltziaceae conifers, 223

  von Baer, Karl Ernst, 257

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 297

  Wallace, Pap, 87

  Wallace, Ron, 87

  Wallis, John, 45–46

  wasps, 116


  amount/rate of taking up, 100

  and circulation in plants, 100–101, 106

  for citrus trees, 15–16

  Cooksonia and, 211, 212

  cyanobacteria and, 204

  decontamination of, 121–32

  evolution of earth and, 204, 217

  flowering plants and, 289

  for fruit cocktail tree, 321–23, 324–25, 337

  fungi and, 117

  for Kassinger’s conservatory, 246

  nutrients in, 125–26

  oxygen in, 191–92

  and perennial versus annual wheat crops, 137

  for petunias, 310